Tanah Merah to Batam Center (Two-Way)
Description/important notes
- Tanah Merah Batam Center 12:30 SGT and 16:20 SGT
- Batam Center Tanah Merah 09:20 WIB and 13:20 WIB
- Tanah Merah Batam Center 10:20 SGT and 14:30 SGT Operated by Sindo Ferry
- Batam Center Tanah Merah 08:00 WIB and 11:30 WIB Operated by Sindo Ferry
Roundtrip Batam Fast ferry ticket
Singapore Passenger Departure Fees
Batam Passenger Departure Fees
Exclude: Top-up Fees, Admin Fees, Transfer Fees
Cancellation notes
No Cancellation and Non-refundable
Tour information
Terms and conditions
Conditions for Sea VTL trips:Valid for Indonesian Passport holder only1. Passengers are required to meet all pre-departure and arrival requirements set by the governing authorities of Singapore and Indonesia. Batamfast will not be responsible for the lack of requirements of the passengers on the date of departure. To read more about it, visit these links:MPA website:https://www.mpa.gov.sg/web/portal/home/media-centre/news-releases/detail/342248ef-60a8-460e-ba01-d243379e119bICA Safe Travel website: General overview:https://safetravel.ica.gov.sg/arriving/overview#lanelist, VTL by Sea overview:https://safetravel.ica.gov.sg/vtl-sea/overview,Checklist:https://safetravel.ica.gov.sg/vtl-sea/travel-checklist2. As these are VTL tickets, transfer of ticket owners is NOT allowed.3. No rebooking allowed for another date and/or time regardless of reason. If pax needs to depart on a different date/time, a new booking needs to be made (always subject to availability). Refund conditions will apply for the previous booking.4. Cancellations can be made at least 3 days before departure to be eligible for any refund (refund conditions will apply).5. All bookings are to be made online through agent online account with Batamfast.6. No blocking of seats or reservations of slots are allowed
Conditions for Travel Bubble trips:1. Passengers are required to meet all pre-departure and arrival requirements set by thegoverning authorities of Singapore and Indonesia. Batamfast will not be responsible for the lack ofrequirements of the passengers on the date of departure.2. For the Travel Bubble, here are checklist of passenger requirements:Pre-Departureâ Singapore Citizens, eligible Indonesia citizens* and other eligible travelers** havingstayed in Singapore for the last 14 daysâ Negative RT-PCR test result with maximum of 2 x 24 hours before departure.â Vaccination Certificate (minimum 2 doses with 14 days of last dose before departure).Must be verified on e-HAC International Indonesia (accessible via the Peduli Lindungiapp)â Downloaded âPeduli Lindungiâ apps.â Fill up e-HAC through Peduli Lindungi apps.â Confirmed accommodation booking at Nongsa Sensation resorts only (Batamview BeachResort, Montigo, Turi Beach, Nongsa Point Marina).â Insurance coverage for up to SGD 20,000 for Covid handling and evacuation.
Arrival at Nongsa⢠Do arrival RT-PCR test to be assisted by the booked accommodation of the pax⢠Ensure the Peduli Lindungi app is active and to be used for activities within Nongsa Sensation properties
Important Reminders for those under the Travel Bubble:⢠All guests are not allowed to leave the Nongsa Sensation properties / Travel Bubblepremises. Activities to remain within the pre-approved or identified areas.⢠All guests are to follow each propertiesâ safe protocols accordingly.⢠All guests are not allowed to invite other guests outside of the travel bubble.⢠Plan. Coordinate closely with the hotel accommodation service people for guidancebefore and during the guestâs stay, and for the arrangements on their pre-departure backto Singapore.