Kebun Binatang Bandung (Bandung Zoo) – Phuket Travel

Kebun Binatang Bandung (Bandung Zoo)

Jl. Kebun Binatang No.6, Lb. Siliwangi, Kecamatan Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132, Indonesia


  • Bandung Zoo is a conservation institution in the city of Bandung. 
  • An area with an area of almost 14 hectares and has been established since 1933. 
  • This is the Bandung Zoo which is located in the heart of Bandung City, with an interesting collection of animals and a beautiful green environment. 
  • With a collection of more than 700 animals from the mammal, aves, reptile & fish classes. 
  • Bandung Zoo has long been a favorite tourist destination for Bandung & West Java residents. 
  • Apart from functioning as a recreation area, the Bandung Zoo complete animal collection is also a location for education and research. 
  • Visitors who want to interact with the animal collection at the Bandung Zoo are provided with the opportunity to take photos with the animals in certain areas. 
  • Apart from that, visitors can also experience the sensation of riding animals at the Bandung Zoo, Camel Riding, Elephant Riding & Horse Riding rides are ready to serve visitors.
  •  The interactions between animals and zookeepers at Bandung Zoo are not limited to providing food and caring for their health, but also during Animal Edutainment performances.
  • Chef & cockatoos, blue-and-yellow macaws, rhinoceros hornbills, binturongs, poodles and marmots star at animal shows.

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