Ratu Boko Temple for Non-Indonesian ID holder – Phuket Travel

Ratu Boko Temple for Non-Indonesian ID holder

Jl. Raya Piyungan - Prambanan, Klurak Baru, Bokoharjo, Kec. Prambanan, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Ratu Boko is located about 3 km to the south from Prambanan Temple. Ratu Boko area which is located on top of a hill with an altitude of ± 195.97 m above sea level. Ratu Boko's site is not actually a temple, but ruins of a kingdom. Therefore, Ratu Boko Temple is often called Kraton Ratu Boko. It is called Kraton Boko, because according to legend, this site is the palace of Ratu Boko, Lara Jonggrang's father. It is estimated that the Ratu Boko site was built in the 8th century by the Buddhist Wangsa Syailendra, but was later taken over by Hindu Mataram kings. The change of "owner" caused the Kraton Boko building to be influenced by Hinduism and Buddhism. At the Ratu Boko site, an inscription dating from 792 AD was found called the Abhayagiriwihara inscription. The contents of the inscription underlie the allegation that the Ratu Boko Palace was built by Rakai Panangkaran. The Abhayagiriwihara inscription is written using huruh pranagari, which is one of the characteristics of Buddhist inscriptions. In the inscription it is stated that King Tejapurnama Panangkarana, who is thought to be Rakai Panangkaran, has ordered the construction of the Abhayagiriwihara. The same name is also mentioned in the Kalasan inscription (779 AD), the Mantyasih inscription (907 AD), and the Wanua Tengah III inscription (908 AD). According to scholars, the word abhaya means without hagaya or peace, giri means mountain or hill. Thus, Abhayagiriwihara means a monastery built on a peaceful hill. During the reign of Rakai Walaing Pu Kombayoni, in 898-908, Abhayagiri Wihara changed its name to Kraton Walaing. Kraton Ratu Boko, which occupies a large area of land, consists of several groups of buildings. Most of it is currently in ruins.

Opening Hours

  • SUNDAY, 07:00 - 17:30
  • MONDAY, 07:00 - 17:30
  • TUESDAY, 07:00 - 17:30
  • WEDNESDAY, 07:00 - 17:30
  • THURSDAY, 07:00 - 17:30
  • FRIDAY, 07:00 - 17:30
  • SATURDAY, 07:00 - 17:30
  • Package Options

    Ratu Boko Entrance ticket

    Valid from Sun, 02 January 2022 - Sun, 02 January 2022

    Non Refundable

    USD 11.72/pax

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    USD 0